Disability & Feminism Reading Group
Meetings: Dates and Readings
Here you can find the details of the meetings and the readings (scroll down for past meetings and readings). If you cannot get hold of a copy of the text, please contact disabilityandfeminismrg AT gmail DOT com.
From August 2020 onward, we will have monthly meetings (1st Friday) with one reading per meeting. We will then also start to read around one single theme for a few meetings a time. The further readings are for those who want to read a bit more after the meeting.
Note 01/2020: If you are not familiar with the social model of disability, please familiarise yourself before attending, e.g. read this: Morris, Jenny. (2001). "Impairment and disability: constructing an ethics of care that promotes human rights". Hypatia, 16(4), 1-16.
Note 07/2020: the reading group has decided to stop reading articles published in the journal Disability & Society after May 2018, in recognition of trans rights as disability rights. For background information, see Dr Jen Slater and Dr Kirsty Liddiard's (2018) article "Why Disability Studies Scholars Must Challenge Transmisogyny and Transphobia" and Yergeau's petition.
Meeting 13: 6 November 2020, 3-4.30pm
Topic: Newgenics
Ledger, Susan, Earle, Sarah, Tilley, Elizabeth, et al. (2016). "Contraceptive decision-making and women with learning disabilities". Sexualities, 19(5-6), 698-724. Available here (paywall).
Further reading:
Block, Pamela. (2007). "Institutional Utopias, Eugenics, and Intellectual Disability in Brazil". History and Anthropology, 18(2), 177-196. Available here (paywall).
Meeting 14: 4 December 2020, 3-4.30pm
Topic: Epistemic injustice
Abudu, Kenneth U, & Imafidon, Elvis. (2020). "Epistemic injustice, disability, and queerness in African cultures". In: Elvis Imafidon (Ed), Handbook of African philosophy of difference (pp.393-409): Springer.
Further reading:
Meeting 15: 8 January 2020, 3-4.30pm [note: this is the 2nd Friday of January]
Topic: Option: Care & in/ter/dependence?
Further reading:
Meeting 1: 14 February 2020
Topic: Introduction to Disability, Gender & Feminism
Shildrick, Margrit. (2015). living on; not getting better. Feminist Review, 111(1), 10-24.
Begum, Nasa. (1992). "Disabled women and the feminist agenda". Feminist Review, (40), 70-84.
Inckle, Kay. (2018). "Unreasonable adjustments: the additional unpaid labour of academics with disabilities". Disability & Society, 33(8), 1372-1376.
Further reading:
Morris, Jenny. (2001). "Impairment and disability: constructing an ethics of care that promotes human rights". Hypatia, 16(4), 1-16. ​
Meeting 2: 27 March 2020
Topic: Race
Vernon, Ayesha. (1999). The Dialectics of Multiple Identities and the Disabled People's Movement. Disability & Society, 14(3), 385-398
Bailey, Moya, & Mobley, Izetta Autumn. (2018). "Work in the Intersections: A Black Feminist Disability Framework". Gender & Society, 33(1), 19-40.
Further reading:
- Erevelles, Nirmala, & Minear, Andrea. (2010). "Unspeakable offenses: Untangling race and disability in discourses of intersectionality". Journal of Literary & Cultural Disability Studies, 4(2), 127-145.
Meeting 3: 6 March 2020
Topic: Sexuality
Liddiard, Kirsty. (2013). Reflections on the Process of Researching Disabled People's Sexual Lives. Sociological Research Online, 18(3), 10
Kafer, Alison. (2003). Compulsory bodies: Reflections on heterosexuality and able-bodiedness. Journal of Women's History, 15(3), 77-89
Further reading:​
​McRuer, Robert, & Wilkerson, Abby L. (2003). "Desiring disability: Queer theory meets disability studies". GLQ: A Journal of Lesbian and Gay Studies, 9(1-2), 1-24.
​​​Meeting 4: 10 April 2020
Topic: Postcolonialism
Chataika, Tsitsi. (2012). Disability, development and postcolonialism. In: Dan Goodley, Bill Hughes & Lennard Davis (Eds), Disability and social theory: New developments and directions (pp. 252-272). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan
Ghai, Anita. (2012). "Engaging with disability with postcolonial theory". In: Dan Goodley, Bill Hughes & Lennard Davis (Eds), Disability and social theory: New developments and directions (pp.270-286). Houndmills: Palgrave Macmillan
Further reading:
Soldatic, Karen, & Meekosha, Helen. (2013). "Disability and Neoliberal State Formations". In: Nick Watson, Alan Roulstone & Carol Thomas (Eds), Routledge handbook of disability studies (pp.195-210). London: Routledge.​
Meeting 5: 01 May 2020
Topic: In(ter)dependence
Morris, Jenny. (2004). "Independent living and community care: a disempowering framework". Disability & Society, 19(5), 427-442.
Mingus, Mia. (2017, 12/04). "Access Intimacy, Interdependence and Disability Justice". [Lecture]. Leaving Evidence. Retrieved from https://leavingevidence.wordpress.com/2017/04/12/access-intimacy-interdependence-and-disability-justice/.
Further reading:
Morris, Jenny. (1997). "Care of empowerment? A disability rights perspective". Social Policy & Administration, 31(1), 54-60.
Meeting 6: 22 May 2020
Topic: Anti-Black Sanism
Meerai, Sonia, Abdillahi, Idil, & Poole, Jennifer. (2016). An Introduction to Anti-Black Sanism. Intersectionalities: A Global Journal of Social Work Analysis, Research, Polity, and Practice, 5(3), 18-35
Further reading:
Mollow, Anna. (2006). "When Black Women Start Going on Prozac": Race, Gender, and Mental Illness in Meri Nana-Ama Danquah's "Willow Weep for Me". MELUS, 31(3), 67-99
Meeting 7: 12 June 2020
Topic: Transability
Baril, Alexandre. (2015). "Needing to Acquire a Physical Impairment/Disability: (Re)Thinking the Connections between Trans and Disability Studies through Transability". Hypatia, 30(1), 30-48
Further reading:
Almassi, Ben. (2010). "Disability, functional diversity, and trans/feminism". IJFAB: International Journal of Feminist Approaches to Bioethics, 3(2), 126-149.
Slater, Jen, & Liddiard, Kirsty. (2018). "Why disability studies scholars must challenge transmisogyny and transphobia". Canadian Journal of Disability Studies, 7(2), 83-93. Available here: https://cjds.uwaterloo.ca/index.php/cjds/article/view/424/666
Meeting 8: 10 July 2020
Topic: Domestic Violence
Shah, Sonali, Tsitsou, Lito, & Woodin, Sarah. (2016). "‘I can’t forget’: Experiences of violence and disclosure in the childhoods of disabled women," Childhood, 23(4), 521-536
Clare, Eli. (2013). "Stones in My Pockets, Stones in My Heart." In: Lennard Davis (Ed.), The Disability Studies Reader (4th ed., pp. 563-572). Oxon: Routledge
Further reading:
Hague, Gill, Thiara, Ravi, & Mullender, Audrey. (2011). "Disabled women and domestic violence: Making the links, a national UK study," Psychiatry, Psychology and Law, 18(1), 117-136
Meeting 9: 31 July 2020
Topic: School-to-Prison Pipeline
Erevelles, Nirmala. (2014). "Crippin’ Jim Crow: Disability, Dis-Location, and the School-to-Prison Pipeline". In: Liat Ben-Moshe, Ysanne Chapman & Alison C. Carey (Eds), Disability incarcerated: Imprisonment and disability in the United States and Canada (pp.81-99): Palgrave Macmillan.
Further readings:
Annamma, Subini Ancy. (2017). The Pedagogy of Pathologization: Dis/abled Girls of Color in the School-prison Nexus. Routledge.
Ben-Moshe, Liat. (2020). Decarcerating Disability: Deinstitutionalization and Prison Abolition. U of Minnesota Press.
Meeting 10: 7 August 2020
Topic: Eugenics
Dudley, Rachel. (2012). "Toward an Understanding of the 'Medical Plantation 'as a Cultural Location of Disability". Disability Studies Quarterly, 32(4). Available at https://dsq-sds.org/article/view/3248/3184.
Further reading:
Mitchell, David, & Snyder, Sharon. (2003). "The eugenic Atlantic: Race, disability, and the making of an international eugenic science, 1800–1945". Disability & Society, 18(7), 843-864. Available here (paywall).
Meeting 11: 4 September 2020
Topic: Eugenics
Hochman, Gilberto, Lima, Nísia Trindade, & Maio, Marcos Chor. (2010). "The path of eugenics in Brazil: Dilemmas of miscegenation". In: Alison Bashford & Philippa Levine (Eds), The Oxford handbook of the history of eugenics: Oxford University Press. Available here (paywall).
Further reading:
Brignell, Victoria. (2010, 9/12). "The eugenics movement Britain wants to forget". New Statesman. Available at https://www.newstatesman.com/society/2010/12/british-eugenics-disabled.
​Meeting 12: 2 October 2020
Topic: Eugenics
Lindert, Jutta, Stein, Yael, Guggenheim, Hans, et al. (2012). "How ethics failed—the role of psychiatrists and physicians in Nazi programs from exclusion to extermination, 1933–1945". Public Health Reviews, 34(1), 1-26. Available here (paywall).
Ralph, Nim. (2017, 26/04). "Understanding Disability: Part 2 – The Eugenics Model". [Blog post]. Drake Music. Available at: https://www.drakemusic.org/blog/nim-ralph/understanding-disability-part-2-the-eugenics-model/.
Further reading:
(same as last month) Brignell, Victoria. (2010, 9/12). "The eugenics movement Britain wants to forget". New Statesman. Available at https://www.newstatesman.com/society/2010/12/british-eugenics-disabled.